Monday, April 30, 2012

Paleo day #6/7

Well readers - I wish I could say I remember everything I ate this weekend to blog it all, but as it turns out, not so much. I can tell you that 99% of it was good, Paleo friendly eating. 1% = honesty time = I had a cheat meal! After way too long of an argument with myself about whether or not I was willing to cheat, I decided to do as my hubby always tells me, and either do it or shut up about it. I didn't even feel guilty about the cheat - because I knew I had done so well and stuck to my guns for everything else during the week. No sneaky cheating and keeping my secret from everyone - I was honest and ate clean, and felt great. So I had myself a yummy cheat meal - and two hours later when it came time for the next meal - it was clean, healthy and Paleo. Yay me! That's a big part in all of this I think - let yourself have a goodie every now and then because life is too short to not ever eat cupcakes... or brownies... or pizza... or whatever your cheat of choice is. 

(I'm not going to say I didn't go for a run/sprint/shuttle run after, because I definitely did. But I didn't feel guilty about the cheat - and that's a new and welcome feeling.)

A few food things worth mentioning: I found a pancake recipe online that I LOVED - no flour or honey = no guilt. My hubby found it too banana tasting, but I liked it a lot. To each their own :) 

Pancake recipe here!

I did a blueberry/coconut milk/cinnamon topping - just to experiment - and really liked the flavoring. My brother has an entire bunch of over-ripe bananas that I can't wait to steal and make more of these. 

Last to share today - the tasty looking avocado I posted on facebook yesterday! I love avocados and I LOVE LOVE LOVE balsamic vinegar, so I was all over this easy and inexpensive snack.

Avocado recipe here!

This little guy was a great snack to have a few hours before dinner. Killed any salt craving, plus like I said, I LOVE balsamic, and eating the balsamic + olive oil brought me back to the days of eating an entire loaf of bread at Johnny Carino's or Macaroni Grill with that yummy combo... Wait. Scratch that. I NEVER did that..... ;)

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