Thursday, April 26, 2012

Paleo day #3

Day #3 was a small challenge - I cooked dinner for my entire family and provided them with a cheddar cheese topping for garnishing the peppers - O.M.G. Making it through a dinner without picking at cheddar cheese? Absolutely unheard of for me. But shoot - I hadn't made it through almost three whole days to lose on a stinkin' piece of shredded cheese. 

So here's what I ate yesterday guys!

Snack on the way to work (honesty remember!) - to keep my sanity because I'm definitely susceptible to "chick" moments - 1 piece of 72% Ghirardelli dark chocolate

Breakfast: 2 Hard boiled eggs + 4 pieces of bacon

Morning snack: 1 Banana w/cinnamon + handful of almonds

Lunch: Serving of crock pot balsamic roast (recipe in previous post) + serving of pineapple chunks

Afternoon snack: 1 Granny smith apple w/almond butter + handful of almonds

Dinner: 1 Cannibal Pasilla Pepper (I did use olive oil instead of "lime avocado oil" - I haven't been able to make a trip to Sprouts yet and our Vons is barely even considered a grocery store!) + serving of broccoli & carrots + pineapple & strawberries

Dessert: 1 square 72% Ghirardelli dark chocolate + chocolate Casein protein shake blended with water and strawberries

So day 3 done and gone - I took a picture for myself this morning and my stomach is definitely leaning out. Nothing will help me stick to these eating habits through the weekend like that. 

And as for a workout - yesterday was definitely a rest day. The previous day's rope climbs just absolutely took me OUT. My shoulders, the bruises on my legs. I loved it and can't wait to try again, but dang I was hurting yesterday. So I headed to the gym and foam rolled the bejeezus out of my shoulders and back, and stretched up a storm. Today - my grip is a little sore - I'm sure it's from hanging for dear life onto those ropes - but I can't wait to hit up the WOD today at CFCH. It's still Hero week - and I love it! Those workouts are INSANE. 

As always - here's a pic of my dinner creation! (Ooh - helpful hint - this is NOT an "after work throw together dinner" - it's definitely more of a "I have more than an hour to spend slowly cooking dinner on a Sunday" meal) (And no I have no idea why the picture of the pepper on the Civilized Caveman cooking site has red peppers and mine doesn't. I am pretty sure Serrano chilies are green? Hmm? Let me know if you have any ideas!)

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