Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Paleo - Day #1

Done and done! Woo! Wasn't so hard :) Well - my girlfriend has decided to do her own Paleo challenge with her hubby as well - and she asked if I would post what I'm eating daily - as a guide and to share recipes. Talk more about myself? Gladly! So here goes for day 1 (plus if I'm having to post everything on here - makes it less likely I'll cheat riiiiight?)

Early AM: Chocolate Whey protein shake (Optimum Nutrition is the brand we use) - blended with strawberries, blueberries and water (this is an every day thing for us - feels great to get something in your system right away, especially if I'm working out early)

Breakfast: 1 Banana w/cinnamon + 4 pieces of bacon + 1 broccoli muffin (recipe in previous post)

Morning Snack: 2 Paleo Breakfast Sausage (I skipped out on the Bison as I'm about to be a new homeowner on a budget - but these kind of lacked flavor, so maybe next time I will bite the bullet) + handful of strawberries & blueberries w/cinnamon

Lunch: Chicken with fajita veggies (from Albertsons - they have a pretty fantastic "mix & match" "buy one get one free" case by the Service Meat cases in the back - healthy and already seasoned? We love easy!) + 1 Granny Smith apple w/almond butter (Trader Joes - Creamy w/Sea Salt- best we've found so far)

Afternoon snack: Asparagus w/toasted garlic & toasted almonds + 1/2 banana w/cinnamon + 1 broccoli muffin

Post workout: Chocolate protein shake mixed with water

Dinner: 1 piece grilled tilapia w/ grilled lemon + asparagus w/toasted garlic & toasted almonds

Dessert: Large slice of pineapple (cut up into chunks) + chocolate Casein protein shake (this is also a standard for us at night: Casein protein + Whey protein + strawberries + cinnamon + water. Less water than the shake in the morning - it's a little thicker and more "dessert" like. We've grown to love and look forward to these. It's great because the Casein protein stays with you throughout the night and we don't really ever wake up starving)

Well there you are ladies and gents. Turns out when I write it all out - I eat quite a bit of food don't I? Hehe. 

I'll also post the workout from yesterday - it was a lot of fun and thanks to my own progress and the support of the people there last night - I pushed myself pretty dang hard and felt really good about my result.

WOD: Jack (Hero WOD week at CFCH - I don't hate that, being married to a Marine)

20 Minute AMRAP
10 Push Presses 75#
10 KB Swings 1Pood
10 Box Jumps 20"

9 rounds + 8 box jumps. 

Next time - TEN! :) Until tomorrow guys!

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