Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Paleo Day #2

I'm all about honesty here - because I sure as heck am not perfect, and know most of you aren't either - so full disclosure always - I finished my crazy workout yesterday ("RJ" - 5 rounds **yeah right** of: 800M run + 5 rope climbs **for me - 10 1/2 climbs/attempts and LOTS of failed climbs** + 50 pushups - with a 45 minute cap. My result - 3 rounds + 800 M run. Super challenging.) - and called my husband on the drive home - and said: "you have NO idea how LITTLE I want to eat Paleo right now". Had he said - let's go get a cupcake - chances are I would have jumped at it. See why it helps to have a support system? He just laughed and said "oh, wifey" - because he knew he wasn't going to let me off the hook that easy. Dang him. Anyway, so here's what I ate yesterday! 

Early AM: Chocolate protein shake mixed with water & berries & 1/2 shot of espresso (we've started doing this on mornings we don't work out, so we don't lose out on the energy level we're used to)

Breakfast: 3 Scrambled eggs + tapatio; 4 pieces of bacon

Morning snack: 2 Broccoli muffins; 1 Banana w/cinnamon

Lunch: Serving of Balsamic Roast - the crock pot meal I made the night before; 1 Granny Smith apple with almond butter. 

Before (in the crock pot) and After (shredded and ready to EAT) pic here!! 
Doesn't it look tasty. Not even that many ingredients to prep which I love - and I got to learn how to "de-glaze a pan". Awesome!

Afternoon snack: Leftover from lunch balsamic roast (I only ate enough at lunch to get full); 1 tupperware of mixed berries with cinnamon

Dinner: LA VILLA! Gasp! I know. (La Villa - hometown Mexican restaurant) This is important - it's completely possible to eat Paleo when you go out or get takeout - it's just all about making the right choice and paying attention to what ingredients are in what. I ordered a shredded chicken burrito - no cheese (a little part of me cried at this point - as most of you know how I love cheese), with a side of guacamole. The guacamole was a perfect side to the chicken, especially when I added salsa. Guacamole = avocado & veggies - can't go wrong there. I opened up the burrito and just ate the chicken with my side of guac., and a serving of pineapple & strawberries. Yum!

Dessert: Chocolate casein protein shake mixed with berries; one square Ghirardelli 72% dark chocolate! Turns out - thanks to my amazing hubby who did the research - chocolate above 70% is Paleo. Sign. Me. Up. I was a happy girl.

So today I start day 3. Feeling good so far :) My tummy has leaned out a bit - the muscles show a bit more - but that's standard any time I eat well for a couple days. I'm really interested to see how it affects me after a week. 

Happy Wednesday everyone. Almost to the weekend :) 

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