Friday, April 27, 2012

Paleo day #4

Here we go again guys! Thursday was a pretty easy Paleo day - except for a minute while giving nutrition advice - mentioning toast with peanut butter - and craving toast with peanut butter for hours after. Easy... yeah right. But made it through regardless. I did do what I said I wasn't going to and made a "treat" - just because I wanted to mess around with sweet ingredients. The "pudding" concoction turned out quite tasty, and I kept the hubby and I to just one spoonful each, and saved the rest. Discipline? Eh. Shouldn't have made it to begin with, but shoulda coulda woulda!

Early AM: Chocolate protein shake blended with berries + water + 1/2 shot of espresso

Breakfast: 2 Hard boiled egg whites + 1 serving pineapple chunks + 3 pieces of bacon

Morning snack: 1 Banana w/cinnamon

Lunch: Balsamic roast (crock pot) + large serving of berries w/cinnamon

Afternoon snack: 1 Granny Smith apple w/almond butter

Post workout: Chocolate Whey protein shake with water

Dinner: "Bistro Chicken" + asparagus

Dessert: "Chocolate pudding" + 1 square 72% Ghirardelli chocolate + Casein protein shake blended with berries & water

Now, here's the important part of this. "Bistro Chicken". A semi healthy meal, recipe from my lovely mother, chicken breasts, french onion soup broth, tons of tomatoes & onions, topped with a crazy amount of cheese. Normally - I LOVE this meal. For Paleo - still totally do-able, and tasty - just had her leave the cheese off Jake & my portion of the dish. Easy peasy =) It's just great to know that you can take your normal recipes and transform  (most of them) to Paleo dishes. 

For the "chocolate pudding". I'm not one to sit there and experiment with sweets - I can follow a recipe, but throwing together ingredients is not my thing. For this - I had seen a recipe and thought I'd give it a shot, and just went from memory. My pudding was made up of: raw organic honey, unsweetened cocoa powder, almond butter, coconut milk & casein protein. It was actually quite tasty. Thick like pudding thanks to the protein. Just took some work to stir it all up! 

After making the pudding however, I was reminded of why Jake and I started this to begin with. To curb our ever growing sweet tooths. Teeth. Tooths? I don't know. But they're growing. And even by eating a Paleo treat, it still was a sweet to us, and we wanted more. So for the rest of these weeks, I'll probably stay away from any treats like that. If eating Paleo becomes more standard with us, I'm sure I'll throw a few in there. But eating pudding isn't exactly going to help my six pack come out of hiding any quicker is it?

Yesterday's workout: Ryan. 
Those hero workouts are seriously, seriously tough. But I love em. 

Ryan: 5 rounds for time: 7 muscle ups + 21 burpees

So proud of Jake - he got 1 full round, and 5 muscle ups into his 2nd round. So much progress for him. 

Me - I haven't gotten 1 muscle up yet - so it was to the ring dips I went. I had a little hit on my pride when one of the coaches suggested I use a purple band - the lightest one - but still, a band. I'd always been really proud that I was at a level where I didn't need them - but I told myself, suck it up - she's just trying to help you get better, and you obviously have an area to work on! **sucking in** 

24:28 = 5 rounds: 21 ring dips + 21 burpees

It was a toughie. But a goodie. They all are. Jake and I followed that up by hitting squats - I went heavy weight - I'm struggling to get GOOD reps at 185# and I really am anxious to get there. Practice practice practice!

I don't know that I've heard one word more consistently than "practice" after joining CFCH. But practice makes perfect, right? There must be something to that saying. 

So. For now. I PRACTICE. =) 

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