Saturday, April 28, 2012

Paleo day #5

Well this might look a little different because I'm posting from my phone- but I really only access a computer during the week while at work- so for the weekend- we have my phone! Friday, after the insane workout known as "Bull"- my man and I were left thinkingA why the heck did I decide to blog everything I eat? Fridays- especially after a tough workout- I LOVE to chow down on some cheat food and sweets. Dang it! But this is where it makes a difference- I can eat well Monday through Friday- and at work through Friday- but it's the weekends that get me. I'm sure not unlike some of you. So if I can stay true to my goal- this is what's going to give me the aesthetic improvement I'm looking for. So here we go! Early AM: chocolate whey protein shake blended with berries & water & 1/2 shot of espresso Breakfast: 1 HB egg white + 2 servings of pineapple + 4 pcs of bacon Morning snack: 1 banana w/cinnamon Lunch: pork chops + asparagus + mixed berries Afternoon snack: 1 granny smith apple w/ almond butter Post workout: chocolate whey protein shake with water Dinner: LUCILLE'S! Yikes. This place was tough to eat paleo at. We definitely had to study the menu and just try to make the best decision possible. I ended up with: appetizer of shrimp in some kind of spicy tomato based "BBQ" sauce with tons of garlic. This- I highly recommend. It was a nice surprise seeing that it was more tomato based than BBQ based- and it was tastyyyy. Dinner- jambalaya! I'd never had this bad boy before- but it was chicken, shrimp, sausage- in a tomato based sauce (one of the few offered without a cream sauce) over a bed of rice. Also a good surprise- totally easy to avoid the rice. Jake & I were a little worried we would have to sacrifice our Paleo goals for that meal- and we walked away pretty happy with our choices. Dessert: chocolate casein protein shake blended with strawberries & water + a couple spoonfuls of my "pudding" from the night before. I guess we haven't completely kicked that weekend dessert craving- but it was a good alternative. Plus- its gone now! Haha! No more temptation from you, you little paleo treat. Anyhow- like I said- we did Bull for our Friday WoD. Jake and I did it as a team- thank goodness for both of us. He picked up slack on the double unders- but I'm definitely making huge leaps on them- and the pull ups- and I picked up the slack on the overhead squats. They're hubby's nemesis right now- but he is definitely improving. So proud of him for going RX (135#). I unfortunately had to scale them- I got a PR in warmup at 85# (RX for girls is 95#)- but it was just too heavy for lots of reps in a workout. Here is Bull: 2 rounds 200 Double unders 50 overhead squats 50 pull ups 1 mile run (each person had to complete the runs) 45 minute cap. Proud to say I finished!!! It took a ton of hustle during that last mile and I barely made it (I'm talking less than 30 seconds before the clock hit 45:00) but I finished! I earned those pudding spoonfuls don't ya think? Hehe. Happy weekend everyone!

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