Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My next baking adventure! And other updates..

Well hello there! It's been a quick minute since I've written - I guess competing in the Crossfit Games Open took more energy out of me than I realized. Last time I blogged, I had just made the decision to take part in the Open, and was quite nervous about it. Well - the nerves definitely never went away, but I couldn't be happier that I competed. I had such a fun time, met many new friends, and pushed myself past places I thought possible. And on top of it all - I got to do every Open workout with my hubby - how can you ask for more? I placed #458 out of the girls in Southern California - not bad, but I can't wait to see where I'm at next year. My favorite workout? 12.5. The only workout I completed twice. All the others I never felt like I could make a big improvement by re-doing it, and let's face it - I wasn't looking at moving on to Regionals - so I felt it was in my best interest to keep on practicing and getting better at everything - not just that workout. 12.5 was an exception. The workout: Thrusters (65#) + Chest to Bar Pull-Ups - starting at 3 repetitions each, increasing by 3 every round - AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) for seven minutes. My first attempt: 57 reps. Which meant I was 9 pull-ups into my round of 12 reps. It was decent - and similar to the results I'd been getting throughout the entire Open. Yet, after talking over the workout with my hubby later that night - I decided I could do better. I waited two days, and hit it again. This time I had my hubby scoring me (which might sound like it's unfair because he'll be easier on me - far from it! As he proudly told everyone at the gym - "I'll no rep the sh*t out of her!" That's why I love him - he pushes me harder than anyone because he knows I can always improve)- and some of the girls I admire from our new gym there to cheer me on... a.k.a. scream at me to not let go of the bar! Sounds crazy - but I love it. Anyway - that workout was intense. I couldn't have done it without the help of Jake and the other girls - sometimes you need that extra push. My goal had been getting into my 15th round of thrusters - which meant finishing that round of 12 pull-ups. I was confident I could do the thrusters - but the pull-ups were the tough area. So where did all that extra pushing get me? 79 reps! Four pull-ups into my 15th round! I was ecstatic! Once I was able to peel myself off of the floor that is. I love that I have a workout in the Open where I can say I truly pushed myself past my original limits, and am without a doubt proud of how I did.  

Here's a pic of my standing in the Open, and my scores on the workouts. 

The numbers in the parentheses under each workout are my results per workout - and the number next to it is my rank in Southern California. I know I've already said it - but I can't wait until next year!

Now on to my next baking adventure! I'll let the picture speak for itself...

Yep - you read that right. PEANUT. BUTTER. BACON. CHOCOLATE. COOKIES. 

I think my hubby about fainted when he read that. And has now been hinting at me nonstop to make them. I'm hoping to get to them this week - but I know I'll have to get two workouts in that day to make up for the large amount of cookies I'm sure to eat. How could you eat just one? It'd be unfair to the bacon! And the chocolate! And the peanut butter!!!

Have a wonderful week everyone - and go make these cookies! Yum!

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