Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Active Recovery Day Wednesday!

Well ladies and gents - today is an "active recovery day" for me. Which means no lifting, I'll  be foam rolling, hopefully taking my amazing puppy aka child Ruby for a walk, and essentially just giving my body a break. Yesterday's workout was tough, as were the last couple, and my shoulder could use a day off! So today I'll post my "Valentine's Day WOD" that I was lucky enough to do with my husband - working out with a partner makes a great difference. I'm able to do it alone - but that extra motivation he gives me can just kick my workouts into high gear. Then to end - a few pictures! My friend Monica asked me what I wear when I work out - and I truly find that if I spend a little time and color coordinate and wear some fun things - it makes me that much more positive about my workout. 

Valentine's Day WOD
5 rounds for time:
7 squats (165#)
15 pull-ups

Result: 11:09

I was pretty proud of that. My husband killed it, in the 6 minute range - but I thought I did pretty well! 165# is a dang heavy weight for me - so I'll take it! Pull-ups are getting better every day... any progress makes me happy. I remember the day I got one - and the day I got five... and now I knock out sets of 8 at a time. It's extremely motivating for me.

We followed that up with some "pistol" practice. That was tough! Pistol practice was done holding kettle bells - it's not easy to hold that weight and keep your balance. Our WOD ended with a short - 50 alternating leg pistols for time  (no weight). Whew! I am SORE today. And I love it!

Now for the photos... I loved this outfit - the socks made me giddy the entire day. There's just something about brightness, and funky socks. Combine the two and I'm a happy girl. My hubby took these photos for me - partly to show the outfit - but also because after them, we started back up with our eating clean. I know I'm up a few pounds of body fat, definitely not muscle, so I want to see how my body changes after a week, two weeks of eating clean again. Wish me luck!

Thanks to my mother in law for the ADORABLE Zella workout top. Socks are Reebok from Dick's!

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