Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Eating Better Again

After a month of eating extremely well, my husband and I tried to take a weekend detour and enjoy a few cupcakes, pieces of pizza, chocolate... whatever struck our fancy. A weekend turned into two weeks, and we finally realized we needed to kick our own butts back into gear. We pride ourselves on eating well and training hard, no matter what. Training hard seems to be what comes easy to us - eating well, not always. So we enjoyed this last weekend, pizza and garlic bread Saturday night, and our Valentine's Day dinner tradition at Maestro's Ocean Club in Newport Beach. Warm butter cake and creme brulee were a delicious ending to our night, and our gluttonous days. 

After setbacks like that, I look forward to days like Monday. Days where I wont crave chocolate or cookies because I know my jeans are getting a little tight, and honestly, I look forward to seeing my hard earned six pack again. I kicked the day off with a good workout - practicing my snatches - a lift I found extremely difficult, but rewarding to finally get. I ended with a set of three reps at 75 pounds. Not too shabby. Next up - the Monday workout my hubby created (I'm extremely lucky to have  a built in personal trainer at home, I will admit that). Our WOD (Workout Of the Day) - 3 - Push Jerk (I went with 75 pounds - could and should have gone heavier, but my shoulder has been feeling a little tired after our weekly crazy Saturday workout) - with 9 push-ups, followed by 15 sit-ups. AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) - in 15 minutes. A fantastic way to get your strength worked on, and get your heart rate up (to all of us girls - that's my cardio!). My result - 10 rounds plus 2 push jerks. It was a great workout. Hard, fast, sweaty - 15 minutes and done. Can't beat that. 

I usually find it very easy for me to eat well when I'm at work. I sit at a desk 8 hours a day, 5 days a week - and a little buzzer goes off every 2 - 3 hours for a break. Perfect time for me to eat on schedule, every day. We have a small fridge, and I make sure to prep food every night or morning - this helps when others head out to fast food and ask what I want - I know I have plenty already prepared. No thanks! Dinner was especially healthy for me - one piece of tilapia, cooked in a little butter (haven't been able to kick that yet), and lemon juice, roasted veggies and I attempted to sautee spinach. The spinach was flavorful - I love larger chunks of garlic - but I think next time I'll go with less olive oil. The roasted veggies are an amazing addition to dinner plates - they take a little prep time, so we typically make quite a bit (two baking sheets worth), that way we have left overs for the rest of the week. (FOOD PREP!) Below is the simple recipe for the veggies, and a quick cell phone pic of my dinner! I always enjoy when others post photos, so I hope to do the same. :) 

Roasted Veggies
Heat oven to 350 degrees
Bake between 30-40 minutes depending on your preference for crispness
Coat veggies in a bowl with a little olive oil, kosher salt and freshly minced garlic. 
Spread veggies evenly and thinly on a baking sheet - use two sheets if you have a lot of veggies.

The veggies below are our favorite combination - but you absolutely can add or remove to your liking. 
Carrots, red onions, yams, zucchini, pasilla chiles, bell peppers


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