Friday, June 15, 2012

Lots Of Squats & A Few Cupcakes Later...

Whew it's been a quick minute since I've posted a blog! Guess I burned myself out (and probably some of the people reading) posting what I was eating day in and day out for eight stinkin days. It's been over a month so I guess maybe I can crank out a few words, recipes, what have ya. 

Let's start with cool CrossFit updates. Like...WOD GEAR TEAM SERIES! Jake & I were asked to do the series by an awesome couple at our CF gym - I'm taking the place of an awesome chica who busted up her shoulder at Regionals - sad face! I'm not sure my team knows what they're getting in to with me - but I hope at the very least I can hold my own. They, along with my hubby, pretty much rock - so I'm excited to see how we all do. I'm pretty sure I check the WOD Gear site daily, crossing my fingers for some type of description of what the Series will hold - so far, no dice. One month + left to go. 

Other CF updates... last week I hit a power clean PR of 135#, and this week I hit a squat-clean&jerk PR of 125#. This is INSANE to me, because I very clearly remember horribly struggling through 95# jerks at the gym only a couple months ago - and a disgusting attempt to power clean 115# - two times that were burned into my brain - but now signify major growths in my performance. I think I squealed with happiness after I got each of those PR's - any time I can lift any weight over my body-weight, I'm pretty excited. 

Now for more exciting things - a new recipe I want to share! This one comes from PaleOMG - if you are looking for good, healthy recipes - check Juli's site out - I love reading her daily posts. She struggles with cravings & the hard times of CF too - always nice to know I'm not alone :) . 

So the amazing dinner was Blackberry Glazed & Grilled Pork Chops - and they were fantastic. I made this because I had a huge box of blackberries from Costco - and let's face it - pineapple is always going to win out above blackberries when eating fruit solo - SO I needed to find a use for them. People - this recipe is great - and tastes like summer to me. Light, fruity, with a bang. Or rather - tang. Make it! 

And always - a pic! Thanks for reading guys and gals :)