Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Paleo Day #8

Hola everyone! Yesterday was a big day of food prep for me - can't wait to share the Meatza recipe with you all (that will come tomorrow after I've had a chance to actually eat the thing!). 

Meals/food for Monday (day after cheat day aka hopping right back on that Paleo train)

Early AM: Chocolate whey protein shake blended w/berries & water

Breafkast/post workout: Large chocolate whey protein shake blended w/berries, 1/2 banana & water (needed a change!)

Morning snack: 1 Granny smith apple w/cinnamon & almond butter + 3  pcs of bacon

Lunch: Mixture of fajita chicken (from Albertsons) and leftover ZuZu's chicken kabobs w/their amazing garlic sauce + serving of pineapples (I'm on a huge pineapple kick lately)

Afternoon snack: Berries (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries) w/cinnamon + 4 pcs of bacon (oooops!)

Dinner: Rachael Ray's Arugula Pesto Chicken (which I posted about before) - when you make this bad boy - make sure to scrape up some of that extra cooked pesto from the pan - makes it 10x better + roasted veggies + fruit


Dessert: Chocolate Casein protein shake w/water + 1 pc Ghirardelli 72% chocolate

Overall - a day to be proud of! Esp. since I got to help a lot with making dinner - living at the parents (LESS THAN A MONTH TO GO - TILL OUR HOUSE IS READY!!!) + working out in the evening makes it super hard for me to have time to cook - so I really enjoy it when I get a chance. 

After dinner I made "Meatza" - which as I said earlier, I'll share tomorrow. Fingers crossed it's good - it SMELLED good, that's for sure. Jake liked it - but let's be serious, he likes everything except bananas! 

I also want to share my result  from week 1 - mainly so I can remind myself that being this disciplined for 6+ days of the week WILL bring me results I want. And if I motivate any of you to clean up your eating and/or train harder - bonus!
Leaner tummy - esp. in belly button area... hips are more defined... and I see more definition in my shoulder/upper arm area. That could just be me though! 

Happy May - especially to me and my hubby. Less than a month. THIS month. I can't say it enough!